'What's on' in Grafton Regis
Our Next Event:

'Grafton Regis - 1,000 Years in 100 Minutes'
The amazing history of Grafton Regis comes to life as you walk through the village...
Our 2023 historical walks will take place on Saturday May 13th, Saturday June 17th and Saturday September 23rd.
View the Flyer for these events here.
Please contact us if you would like to come and have any questions.
We start at 2.30pm in the colourfully decorated Grafton Regis Village Hall and meet some of the famous people from medieval times who have links with the village, including the White Queen, Elizabeth Woodville, and Richard III, all in authentic costume. We then take a leisurely walk through the village to the beautiful Church of St Mary the Virgin, meeting Henry VIII, Cardinal Wolsey, Elizabeth I and other historical figures from the Tudor period en route. More events from village history, including the sacking of Grafton House during the Civil War, the creation of the Dukedom of Grafton, and the discovery of the Grafton Portrait of Shakespeare, are recounted in the Church. We also meet characters from more recent times back at the Village Hall.
Finally, tea and cakes are served in the Village Hall.
The cost is £9.50 for adults, £1.00 for under 16s and free for under 5s.
All profits will be divided between the funds for the maintenance of the Village Hall and of the Church.
Booking is essential.
Please phone Kathy on 07910 092 132 or email keith.harry@btinternet.com

Please note this is currently suspended due to COVID-19 restrictions. Check back regularly for updates.
Every Tuesday @ 1900 in the Village Hall, £5 per person per class
Four members of the class were awarded black belts in November 2018, then appreared on Radio Northampton and Look East and were featured in the Daily Express in January 2019!
Come and join us - it's great exercise, for balance, coordination, flexibility and confidence, and great fun, with an excellent instructor experienced in international competition! No previous knowledge of martial arts required!
Tel: 07528 607389
e-mail: villagehall@grafton-regis.co.uk
Exercise Class
Stronger for Longer: Balance, Mobility, Strength
Please note this is currently suspended due to COVID-19 restrictions. Check back regularly for updates.
Every Friday @ 1000 - 1100 in the Village Hall, £5 per person per session
This is an informal, friendly class with an excellent instructor designed to improve you strength, balance and mobility for longer, for any age.
Tel: 07528 607389
e-mail: villagehall@grafton-regis.co.uk

Grafton Regis Crafts
Please note this is currently suspended due to COVID-19 restrictions. Check back regularly for updates.
Every third Saturday of the month @ 10am - 3pm in the Village Hall. £3 per person per day, including tea / coffee.
A craft group meets in the Village Hall from 10am until 3pm on the third Saturday of each month. Tea / coffee is included but if you are planning to be there all day, please bring your own lunch.
There will be opportunities to join workshops as they are organised, and there will be additional costs for these.
The group meets on the last Thursday of each month.
Everyone is welcome, so bring your craft project along, be it knitting, card making, sewing, patchwork, etc., and see what others are doing that might interest you.
Tel: 07528 607389
e-mail: villagehall@grafton-regis.co.uk
Village Walk
Why not take a walk through the narrow lanes of the village to see the historical buildings & stunning views....
From its vantage point on top of a hill, Grafton enjoys stunning views across the Tove Valley south towards Milton Keynes & north towards Northampton. Walk from the Village Hall up The Lane towards the Church & see The Manor, site of Henry VIII’s lost palace (thought to rival Hampton Court in size at the time). Stop at the Church to see its many treasures, including the display of tiles from the marriage of Edward IV and Elizabeth Woodville, then continue down Bozenham Mill Lane towards the Grand Union canal with stunning views across the farmland towards Hanslope. Walk back up past the Church & along Church Lane, noting the beautiful thatched cottages along the way, past the White Hart Pub before returning to the Village Hall. See the Gallery to get a taste of the views in store...
Phone Kathy on 07910 092132 or e-mail: