Woodville Tomb and Tower
Urgent Appeal for Funds for repairs to the Woodville Tomb.
St. Mary the Virgin Church Tower was built by John Woodville, great grandfather of Elizabeth Woodville (the White Queen). Some of the lead on the roof show dates of 1692, 1743 and 1744.
John Woodville's tomb resides in the Church and is listed by Churchcare as one of the top 100 church treasures in the UK.
The John Woodville tomb was moved from a central position in the church to the back of the West end of the church in the 19th century. This end of the church suffers greatly from damp, our 12th century church has no foundations, and as a consequence the stonework has suffered greatly over the last 100 years.
Churchcare is fund raising for the restoration of these treasures and has started work on the restoration process when funds have been donated .
By moving the vestry to the tower the tomb can be moved back to a central position in the church.
Check out the video and images below for more information!

Can you help keep our historic Church open?
The Church of St. Mary the Virgin in Grafton Regis is steeped in history and contains some nationally important artifacts. However due to the small size of the village the current Church income alone is insufficient to keep it open and to restore / maintain the important artifacts including the medieval tomb of Elizabeth’s grandfather, Sir John Woodville. If you can support us with a donation it would be much appreciated - you can use one of the methods below:
Support St Mary the Virgin Church - Grafton Regis - with easyfundraising:
Support St Mary the Virgin Church - Grafton Regis - with PayPal: